British government ‘failing’ its own green tests

The UK government is missing many of its own key environmental targets and must raise its game in the battle against climate change, the country's Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) said on Wednesday.
The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) said many government departments were producing more waste and more carbon, consuming more water and using energy less efficiently than in 1999.
The government has set itself a target of cutting carbon emissions by 12.5% by 2010, but the SDC said on average departmental emissions had dropped by just 0.5% since 1999, and 15 departments actually increased emissions last year.
"Overall, government performance is simply not good enough," said SDC chairman Jonathon Porritt.
"Against a background of non-stop messages on climate change and corporate social responsibility, the government has failed to get its own house in order. It is absolutely inexcusable that government is lagging so far behind the private sector."